Keep On Shinning by Sunny Smiles


In a land not so far away, where the sky was always a brilliant blue and the grass a vibrant green, lived a cheerful sun named Sunny Smiles. Sunny was no ordinary sun; he had the magical ability to brighten anyone's day with his radiant beams and warm personality.

Every morning, Sunny would rise high in the sky, spreading his golden rays across the land. As he ascended, he would gather a bouquet of the happiest flowers, each with a smiling face. These flowers were his special friends, Daisy, Rosie, Lily, and Tulip, who shared his mission of spreading joy and positivity.

One day, a little girl named Mia woke up feeling particularly sad. She had misplaced her favorite teddy bear, and despite searching everywhere, she couldn’t find it. Seeing her distress, Sunny decided to pay her a special visit. With his bouquet of smiling flowers in hand, he floated down to her window and tapped gently.

Startled, Mia opened her window to see Sunny Smiles beaming at her. ""Good morning, Mia,"" Sunny said, his voice as warm as his rays. ""Why so glum?""

Through her tears, Mia explained her predicament. Sunny listened carefully and then handed her one of his special flowers. ""This is Daisy,"" he said. ""She always knows how to find lost things. Hold her close, and she’ll help you.""

Mia took Daisy and hugged the flower tightly. To her surprise, Daisy seemed to whisper in her ear, guiding her to look under her bed. There, nestled in the shadows, was her beloved teddy bear! Overjoyed, Mia thanked Sunny and Daisy, her spirits lifted and her heart lightened.

""Remember, Mia,"" Sunny said as he floated back into the sky, ""even on the cloudiest days, there's always a ray of sunshine ready to brighten your world.""

From that day on, whenever Mia felt down, she would look to the sky and see Sunny Smiles shining brightly, knowing that no matter what, there was always someone looking out for her. And as for Sunny, he continued his daily journey, spreading warmth, light, and happiness to everyone he met.

Keep On Shinning by Sunny Smiles

Die Cut Vinyl Sticker

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  • Perfect Gift